Crate washer Unikon
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Product type
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VersionStainless steel
Max. input width60 cm
IncludingTop guiding
In horticulture, hygiene is of vital importance. Usually the cleaning of crates is a labour- and time consuming process. The crate washer is a machine that is designed to thoroughly clean crates at a high rate. These machines are virtually maintenance-free and easy to operate. The crates that need to be cleaned must be placed in the machine. In the tunnel, the crate is treated with a main wash and then rinsed off, after which the crate comes out of the machine spotlessly. The crate can be reused in the next production cycle. By using this machine you can save time and use your labour capacity more efficiently. The crate cleaner guarantees a flawless result.
Our used crate washers are fully technically inspected and delivered under warranty.