Pot washing machine Willburg
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Suitable forRound and square pots
IncludingWater collecting tank
Supply- and discharge belt (17 x 200 cm)
Hygiene is of the utmost importance in horticulture. Normally, the cleaning of pots is a labour-intensive and time-consuming process. The pot washer is a machine that is made to clean pots very thoroughly. Place the pots to be washed on the treadmill of the pot washer. The pots are guided through the pot-washing line. Here the pots are treated with wax and fine brushes. With the use of this machine you can save time, which allows you to use your working capacity more efficiently. The cleaning of the pots is the finishing touch for sales. In this way you present a neater product to your customers.
Our used pot washing machines are fully technically inspected and delivered under warranty.