Methane gas stripper Lubron
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Size tank590 Liter
Stripping tower height365 cm
Tank dimensionsØ 100 cm x 75 cm
When pumping up (ground) water and subsequently using it within your greenhouse, it must first be treated by a Reverse Osmosis unit. This decontamination system removes all impurities from the water, except methane gas. The methane, however, does not benefit the growth of your crop. Methane can also cause blockages in drippers. In order to prevent this and allow the crop growth to continue without problems, the water must be cleared from methane. The methane gas stripper is the perfect tool for this. By using this device you can ''strip'' the methane from the water and you will be assured of a methane free water supply.Our methane gas strippers cars are fully technically inspected and delivered under warranty.