Growing gutters

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Growing gutters

Growing gutters for efficient cultivation of tomatoes, bell peppers, and more

Growing gutters are an essential tool for the cultivation of crops such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and strawberries. These gutters are placed at the correct growing height, either suspended from trellises or mounted on ground supports. Substrate mats are then placed in the gutters, where the crops are planted. This system ensures that excess water is efficiently drained.

Benefits of growing gutters

One key benefit of growing gutters is that excess water, often supplied via drip irrigation, is drained through the gutters. This allows for water recirculation, contributing to a more sustainable growing system. By reusing the water, you can reduce water consumption and support the optimal growth of your crops.

Applications of growing gutters

Growing gutters are primarily used in the cultivation of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and strawberries. By setting up the gutters correctly, crops can be cared for in an efficient manner. Our used growing gutters are fully inspected and come with a guarantee, ensuring you have a reliable solution.

Growing gutters for tomatoes: optional accessories

When purchasing growing gutters for tomatoes, several optional accessories are available, such as:

  • Hanging materials
  • End caps
  • End collecting bins
  • Stem supports
  • Frontgable support construction