Cucumber box lifter Taks

- 类别
- 蔬菜
- 类型
- Harvesting systems
- 产品类别
- Cucumber harvesting systems
- 牌
- Taks Handling Systems
- 代码
- MB0290001
- Including
- Rolling track
After harvesting cucumbers, they will be placed in crates and then will be transported safely to the production area. When the cucumbers arrive, they have to be transferred to the sorting machine without being damaged. Manual transfer is an enormous task, given the volume of the harvest yield. To speed up and simplify this process, we offer cucumber box lifters. The cucumber crates are delivered to the roller conveyor of the crate lift. This lift then gently tilts and doses the cucumbers on the feed belt to the grading machine. This way you can maintain a high work rate and save on labour costs. Therefore, cucumber box lifters are a useful tool in the production process of cucumber growers.
Our used cucumber box lifters are fully technically inspected and delivered under warranty.